POS KOT Separate Receipt of Categories
Available Key Features
- Allows you to Print Kitchen Receipt without POS box in Thermal Printer as per different POS Category.
- Print all items in Kitchen Print Receipt till not press 'done' in KOT Receipt screen.
- Once 'Done' in KOT Receipt Screen next time after adding any items not show before printed items in Kitchen Order Receipt.
- Shows No Pending Items if no items added to the cart or already done.
- Allow to Print Changed Qty, Note, and removed products in Receipt by POS Category.
1. Configuration : Allow KOT Receipt Printing

2. KOT Receipt Button

3. NEW KOT Receipt Category wise

4. CANCELLED KOT Receipt Category wise

5. NEW & CANCELLED KOT Receipt Category wise

6. KOT Receipt without any Item

Technical Help , Queries & Support
For any other assistance related to the new Odoo feature, customization or Odoo Development.