Invoice From Timesheet Entry
Available Key Features
- This module allows Account Manager to create invoice from timesheet lines.
- Allow setting to set hourly rates, currency in project.
- Allow Invoice manager to view all timesheet entry which are need to create invoice and already created invoice.
- Show total created invoice in project and show timesheet lines in invoice.
1. Set Invoice Creation,Hourly Rates & Currency

2. Show Create Invoice and Invoiced to Account Manager
Create Invoice menu under Timesheet, show all timesheet lines without invoice

3. Create Invoice from timesheet
Select timesheet lines and create invoice

Create invoice wizard to create invoice with timesheet details and if invoice is already created for that customer add lines in it.

4. Show all invoiced timesheet lines

5. Invoice Link form Project

6. Timesheet detail in invoice and link to view all timesheet lines

Technical Help , Queries & Support
For any other assistance related to the new Odoo feature, customization or Odoo Development.